
Monday, November 15, 2021

Brothers Grimm DLO

This is a DLO about the Brothers Grimm and some facts about them and stories they write

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fairytales and Fables

This week for fairytales and fables we are doing some vocabulary words and writing what they mean.

Myths: It's a traditional story especially the early history of people explaining a natural or social phenomenon and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

Legends: A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated.

Fairytales: A children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands a fairy story.

Fables: A short story but with animals as characters, talking like humans.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Is it a crime?

Hello fellow readers and welcome back today's blog post is about what we are doing for science. So today we are trying to find out if these pictures are crimes or not but if they are in what way. The people in my group are Felicity and Danni 

1. This could be a crime if it was not your car but if it was your car and you left your keys in the car then it would not be a crime.

2. This one is not a crime because it could be accidental or you could have not seen it.

3. This one is a crime  because the one you stole it and to it agents the law 

4. This one could be a crime if you were poisoned by someone but it could also not be a crime if you died in your sleep.

5. This one is a crime because someone else would have had to shoot them.

6. I think that number six isn't a crime because it looks like two people just crashed.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

How does Resistance affect Current

Series: 1 path all components in a single loop

Parallel: Many paths

Currents: How quickly the electrons more (flow) measured in amps Currents symbol is I

Voltage: How much energy the electrons are carrying, measured in volts Voltage symbol is V

Resistance: Used to slow/resist the flow of electrons (current) measured in ohms Resistance has symbol R

Voltage rule: In series, the voltage is split between components. In parallel, the voltage is the same everywhere (volts V)

Current rule: In series current is the same everywhere. In parallel is split between pathways.

Between resistance and the area of the cross-section of a wire is inversely proportional. When resistance is increased in a circuit, for example by adding more electrical components, the current decreases as a result.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Do now Week 3

 This week for the do now is about calypso and it's about a style type of music that can be found in the Carribean.

While listening to the song I can imagine being on a cruise to travel the world or being at a cafe on a beach hanging out with friends, it's calming to listen to at first but then it starts to get annoying so it's ok when your relaxing and having some calm time.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Do Now Week 2

Today we are writing about a schooner and a description of what a schooner boat looks like.

A schooner is a type of sailing vessel defined by its fore-and-aft rigged on all of 2 or more masts and, in the case of a schooner the foremast is generally being shorter than the mainmast. A common variant the topsail schooner also has a square topsail on the foremast. 

Schooner - Wikipedia

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Design Process / Home Economics

The Design Process

For the past term in my Home Economics class, we have been working in pairs or in groups about making food for a stakeholder of our choice and make something. 

My group decided to do my English teacher and what we made was Sunday pancakes, this was the shopping list: Flour 1 cup, Milk 1 cup, Egg 1, White sugar 2 Tbsp, lemon zest 1 tbsp, butter 30g.

The time management took around 22 minutes altogether. The costings: Flour 1 cup - $0.05 Milk 1 cup -$ 2.36 Egg 1 - 0.48 White sugar 2 Tbsp - $1.12 Lemon zest 1 tsp -  $3.79 Butter 30g - 0.17.

Photos of what my group did:


Sunday Pancakes.

1 cup Self Raising Flour

2 Tbsp White Sugar

½ tsp finely grated lemon zest (optional)

1 cup Milk

1 egg lightly beaten

30g Butter or margarine melted


Sift the Self Raising Flour and Sugar into a bowl. 
Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients. 
Add the lemon zest, milk, egg and melted butter/margarine and whisk to combine. 
Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium-low heat and grease lightly with Tararua Butter or oil.
For each pancake, place 2 tablespoons of batter into the pan. Cook for 2 minutes or until bubbles forms on the surface. Turn and cook for a further 1 to 2 minutes or until the pancakes are cooked through.


Garnish with berries, bananas and flavoured syrup - Butterscotch, Caramel, Vanilla, Maple or Honey Maple syrup 

Original Recipe link: Sunday Pancakes

Feedback from stakeholder:

Kineka, Candesse and Chloe

Thanks for the delicious pancakes last week it was such a sweet surprise!


I loved the colours of the toppings - the vibrant rich colours of the fruit contrasted nicely against the soft white cream. 


The pancakes were delicious and the batter was very smooth. I liked the overall presentation! 



Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Week 9 Do Now

Today's topic is about: Being able to be confident when public speaking is an important life skill.

I agree with this statement because speaking in public is important because what if you're going for a job and have to speak for a presentation or speaking in front of big or small crowds? If you are not that confident, it would be difficult trying to speak for lots of people. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Week 9 Do Now

 This week topic is about Matariki (Maori New Year) should be a public holiday.

I agree with this, Matariki should be a public holiday because it would be nice to take a day off for some schools or workplaces that don't get as many days off as some do. Matariki is a good thing to learn about you get to learn many things about it if you would be able to get the day off it would be nice.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Week 8 Do Now

This weeks topic is: English is the most important subject to learn in school.

I agree with this because some people might not know English or not know some words to speak when having a conversation. English should be a mandatory thing for school for people that don't know it well. 


This week we are starting steam and we are doing it about either transportation or inventions, my group is doing transportation and what we are making is a Fast flying taxi car that can hover.

What it would help for 2050 is that the car wouldn't need to use gas or any type of fuel, it would be running on water.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Week 7 Do Now

 This weeks topic is about: Your name is an important part of who you are.

I agree with this because if you didn't have a name you would be known as nothing which would be not good, your name identifies who you are and what you are. People would need to know your name in order to be friends with them and remember who you are.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Week 5 Do Now

This weeks topic is about: The Principal is the most important person in the school

I agree with this statement because the principal is an important person and why? It's because they are in charge of the school and make sure that everyone feels safe.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Concentration and Dilution

 This week we are going to be learning about Concentration and Dilution.

A measure of how much solute has been dissolved into the solvent and in other words it's how much solute there is in a solution.

You can measure it in two ways

How to dilute something is (how weak it is)

How concentrated something is (how strong it is)

What is dilution?:  Making something less concentrated  There will be less particles in the liquid 

Solute: Solid that dissolves

Solvent: Liquid that dissolves 

Solution: Mixture of solute + solution

Potassium Permanganate Water Solvent

Friday, May 28, 2021

Health Activity

This week for health we did an activity and what we did was we got put into groups and had to move, 4 plastic cups with one rubber band and four strings attached to it and you had to work in groups of 4-5 and would get timed to see who would win out of the groups.

And my team came second with a time of 20.40 seconds

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Do Now Week 3

 This week's topic is: Cats are better pets than dogs.

I agree to disagree because to me I think that dogs are a better pet than dogs and the reason why is that. Dogs are easy to train and pick up after and be a service dog or a guard dog, but the downside of a dog is that you have to take them on walks freqntly and feed them every few hours and could damage something easily.  

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Do now Week 2

 This weeks topic is about: School uniforms should not be mandatory

I agree with this statement because, in my opinion, school uniforms shouldn't be that necessary and the reason for that is they can get dirty easily if your out playing on the field or somewhere that can get any type of uniform messy. Uniforms are quite expensive for some people and can't afford them because of the cost or having to have siblings and sharing a uniform and one goes to school and the other doesn't.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Week 2 Do now

Today this topic is about: Elephants are the greatest animal of all time and we either chose to agree or disagree with this statement why or why not.

I don't agree with the statement because elephants aren't the only greatest animals. There are plenty more different animals that seem great. The reason is that I don't seem to think much about if there is the greatest animal of all time, some animals have the most unique features than other types of animals for instance: Snakes, Frogs, Birds and etc.

So therefore I don't think elephants are the greatest animal all of time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Week 1 Do Now

 This week's do now activity is about: School holidays should only be one week long and we have to have to write a statement if we think school holidays should only be one week long.

I disagree with this I don't think that school holidays should be one week long because you wouldn't be able to do things you would want to do in one week. I think there should be two or three weeks off school so you can do what you want. And you would be able to see people you haven't seen in a while or going on holiday, and then before getting used to routine waking up for school and getting ready and not having late nights a few days before having to wake up early so, therefore, I think there shouldn't be one week of school holidays. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Science in the Circus

Hi my readers today for English the class had to do a reading activity and to choose a book and one of the activities to complete in the period, I chose to do: Science in the circus. And what I did was to describe different acts that involved force.

For each one of these forces describe one circus act that involves force.

ForceCircus act
GravityJuggle mania
Centripetal ForceA balancing act 
InertiaLaw of forces
FrictionQuick as a flash
Air ResistanceBlast off

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Term 1 PE

In PE so far this year we have done Athletics, Touch, Volleyball, Football, Ki O Rahi. The one I liked the most was volleyball. After all, it was something new and fun to play, the one I liked least was Touch because it went too quick and didn't like it that much, to improve I need to work on the ones that I don't like much.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Scones and Word Art

 For todays therory we had to make a word art about what we have to do, and what we made last week.

This is the recipe:

3 c Plain Flour

6 t Baking Powder (level)

¼ t Salt

75g  Cold Butter

1 to 1 ½ c Milk

2 T Sugar (optional)


And this is the work art we did about the health and saftey:

I thought my team was ok but didn't work very well together.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Food Safety vs Hygiene Safety

 Food Safety vs Hygiene Safety

Food Safety:

Do not wash raw meats or any poultry eg, lamb, pork before cooking it, it is not recommended to do. ~ Always remember to wash fruits and vegetables and peel them so no germs, dirt, bugs, and etc.

If you are going to work with different types of foods always use a separate board - for that reason is because so bacteria and germs can’t get into the food you would be working with. 

Hygiene Safety:

When entering a cooking class always wash your hands with soap and warm water and be sure to use hand sanitizer as well, both are good for killing germs and bacteria. 

When using raw meat wash your hands with some hot soapy water and disinfect the area you are going to be working in/using, keep long hair tied up while working in the class so you don’t get your hair in the food or other things, if you have long fingernails you would need to clip them so don’t have dirt or get any food under your fingernails. 

Savoury Bread Cases

For cooking we had to make some savoury bread cases, and what you had to put in them was: Tinned spagehetti, Sliced bread, Grated cheese, Ham, Pineapple, and Margarine. The other options was creamed corn, and baked beans then you would bake it for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.