
Monday, June 8, 2020

Reading: Oakley Creek

Reading: Oakley Creek
These girls Destiny and Faith are going to swim at Oakley Creek and Faith has to lie to go with Destiny.        

Where is Faith going to meet Destiny?
At the dairy after she does the morning chores.

Why does Faith have mixed feelings about the day ahead?
This was probably the first time she lied to her mum going somewhere.

What does this teach us about her?
To not lie about where you are going and you can say no if you don't want to

What morning chores did Faith have to do?
She does the: Dishes,drying the dishes, wiping the bench, making the beds, and shaking out the mat.

How does Faith know that the boys have reached the swimming hole first?
They probaly used to go there all the time and know where it is.

Why does Miss think Faith is lucky?
Miss tells her that shes lucky because her mum cares enough to come and find her.

Does Faith agree? Why/why not?
No, she doesn't feel lucky because she felt nevours because she had lied to her mum where she was going and destiny really wanted her to go.

This is my poster for a cover

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