
Monday, August 26, 2019

Manakitanga Art Hurumanu

Who is in your group?
In my group is Annaleise, Keyana Kineka 

What are your roles?
My role is camera person, Kineka is drawing person, Annaleise is the directer, Keyana is directer with Annaleise

How does your story show manakitanga?
It shows how a girl on her first day gets bullied by 2 girls and she gets all lonely and a girl comes and helps her and they become friends 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Maths DLO

W.A.L.T Find fractions of a set using multiplication and diversion. 
My group had to figure out a bunch of questions using the multiplication and division strategy.

Now that I have completed fractions I can move on to the next strategy. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

PE Hurumanu,

Vertical jump

Students will stand with there side against the wall and both feet firmly planted on the ground
The will reach up as high as possible with their hand and we will record this as standing measure
Students will then jump as high as possible and touch the wall, this is the jump height
Then, jump height - standing measure = vertical distance

My measurements:

Standing Measure
Jump Height
Difference - Vertical Distance

1.8 1.9
2.0 2.1
0.2 0.3

Sit and reach 
Students will take of their shoes after they will sit down on the floor with their legs straight and 
against the box
Students will place one hand on top of the other, then they will slowly bend forward moving the slider along the box as far as possible, but without pushing it forward, and their distance will be recorded

Distance (cm)
My measurements
12cm 10cm 

Sit ups

      Students will lie on the floor with their knees bent and feet flat on the floor, their hands will be placed on their ears and they must be there for the whole test
      An assistant can help hold the participants feet down
      Students must perform sit ups, touching their elbows to their knees, they need to complete as many as possible in 30 seconds 

      Number of sit ups

      My Measurements
      13 12 

      Grip Strength

      Students will be given a set of hand grips
      Using their dominant hand they have to squeeze the grips together as many times as possible in 30 seconds

      Number of squeezes

      My measurements
      2 0

      Beep test

      A 20m distance will be measured in the gym 
      Students will start behind cones at one end of the 20m, when they hear a beep over the speakers they must run to the other set of cones
      They must make it to the other set of cones before the next beep goes off, once that beep goes off they need to run back to the other set of cones, again making it there before the beep
      If students do not make it to a set of cones before the beep then they are out

      My score's 
      Score 1st test week 1Score - 22 July
