
Monday, November 15, 2021

Brothers Grimm DLO

This is a DLO about the Brothers Grimm and some facts about them and stories they write

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fairytales and Fables

This week for fairytales and fables we are doing some vocabulary words and writing what they mean.

Myths: It's a traditional story especially the early history of people explaining a natural or social phenomenon and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

Legends: A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated.

Fairytales: A children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands a fairy story.

Fables: A short story but with animals as characters, talking like humans.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Is it a crime?

Hello fellow readers and welcome back today's blog post is about what we are doing for science. So today we are trying to find out if these pictures are crimes or not but if they are in what way. The people in my group are Felicity and Danni 

1. This could be a crime if it was not your car but if it was your car and you left your keys in the car then it would not be a crime.

2. This one is not a crime because it could be accidental or you could have not seen it.

3. This one is a crime  because the one you stole it and to it agents the law 

4. This one could be a crime if you were poisoned by someone but it could also not be a crime if you died in your sleep.

5. This one is a crime because someone else would have had to shoot them.

6. I think that number six isn't a crime because it looks like two people just crashed.