
Friday, May 28, 2021

Health Activity

This week for health we did an activity and what we did was we got put into groups and had to move, 4 plastic cups with one rubber band and four strings attached to it and you had to work in groups of 4-5 and would get timed to see who would win out of the groups.

And my team came second with a time of 20.40 seconds

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Do Now Week 3

 This week's topic is: Cats are better pets than dogs.

I agree to disagree because to me I think that dogs are a better pet than dogs and the reason why is that. Dogs are easy to train and pick up after and be a service dog or a guard dog, but the downside of a dog is that you have to take them on walks freqntly and feed them every few hours and could damage something easily.  

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Do now Week 2

 This weeks topic is about: School uniforms should not be mandatory

I agree with this statement because, in my opinion, school uniforms shouldn't be that necessary and the reason for that is they can get dirty easily if your out playing on the field or somewhere that can get any type of uniform messy. Uniforms are quite expensive for some people and can't afford them because of the cost or having to have siblings and sharing a uniform and one goes to school and the other doesn't.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Week 2 Do now

Today this topic is about: Elephants are the greatest animal of all time and we either chose to agree or disagree with this statement why or why not.

I don't agree with the statement because elephants aren't the only greatest animals. There are plenty more different animals that seem great. The reason is that I don't seem to think much about if there is the greatest animal of all time, some animals have the most unique features than other types of animals for instance: Snakes, Frogs, Birds and etc.

So therefore I don't think elephants are the greatest animal all of time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Week 1 Do Now

 This week's do now activity is about: School holidays should only be one week long and we have to have to write a statement if we think school holidays should only be one week long.

I disagree with this I don't think that school holidays should be one week long because you wouldn't be able to do things you would want to do in one week. I think there should be two or three weeks off school so you can do what you want. And you would be able to see people you haven't seen in a while or going on holiday, and then before getting used to routine waking up for school and getting ready and not having late nights a few days before having to wake up early so, therefore, I think there shouldn't be one week of school holidays. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Science in the Circus

Hi my readers today for English the class had to do a reading activity and to choose a book and one of the activities to complete in the period, I chose to do: Science in the circus. And what I did was to describe different acts that involved force.

For each one of these forces describe one circus act that involves force.

ForceCircus act
GravityJuggle mania
Centripetal ForceA balancing act 
InertiaLaw of forces
FrictionQuick as a flash
Air ResistanceBlast off