
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mars Communication

Today for hurumanu the class did this about what we have done for the past few weeks. And what we had done was that we made our own groups and tryed to communicate with the other person by making either, Morse Code or using Flags.

My buddy Shania and me used morse code we had to draw on A2 pieces of paper there were two words to chose, the word was food or lost we chose food. And then one of us went down to the field and tryed to guess what it was. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


For this inclusiveness task our class had to come and work in groups of 4-5 and work on this slideshow and anwser some questions about inclusiveness and judements and why was that.

These are some questions from the slideshow:

How has this made you feel? 

It make me feel like you shouldn't judge people based on what they look like because you don't know what they have been through.

How have your thoughts changed during this lesson on inclusion? 

It made my thoughts change on what inclusiveness and judgement is like when people are just going to be thinking something that is 

How will you respond now in situations if you were faced with them again?

If I were to face them again I would have to make sure, I wouldn't be like a person that would judge someone based on what they would look like or how they would look.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Mars Writing

Would you go to mars? And why?

For the last few weeks, we did some science and writing about what is happening with the Mars Rover and what is happening to it. And these are some facts about the Rover.

The Mars Rover is a main job to collet rock and soil samples. With the samples the rover will try bring them back to earth.

Mars helicopter is a technology demonstrastion on perseverance. Perseverance is currently undergoing their final assembly and checkout at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

The Rover had launched in July 30th and it will land in Februay 18th 2021. The trip to will take 7 months and about 300 million miles, 480 million kilometers.

Conclusion / Summary

For my conclusion I think that it's really cool to know space things, like these because some people don't know these things and get to learn the interesting things and how they happen. 

Monday, August 17, 2020


Today for our maths we are doing a google spreedsheet about some reading trends. What it's for is that it's to show how much people like the author. The one I like the most is the one on the left, is because it gives more detail in numbers and shows it more easier.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Maths DLO

Last week for maths we done the Mean, Median, Mode and Range for stastics. Here is a sildeshow about for what I have done the past week.  

If you liked this then please leave a like and a comment you have any positive comments. 

Six Photos

For hurumanu we read a story about six photos and had to anwser some of these questions and put a paragrah for what was a interesting piece.

Six Photographs by Dylan Owen

What was the main message of this story?

That photos can show you what you have been up to in the world and what you do. 

The journal article looks at 6 different photos throughout NZ history. Re-read the paragraphs which match each photo and share 1 interesting fact for each photograph that you learned. 

Family of T.W Ferry

If a person would move during the time the picture would come out blurry. 
Māori at Parihaka

During the nineteenth century, Māori had to adapt to Pākehā ways.

Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee

To honour Queen Victoria’s rule,
some of the girls are dressed in the national
costumes of Scotland and Wales (British Empire).

Irini Kemara

The moko kauae or chin tattoo was given to women of high rank.

Māori Farm at Winiata Taihape

Back then, you first had to clear the land if you wanted a farm. You could chop the
bush down  but fire was quicker.

Kitchen Interior by William Williams

These guns and knives tell us a different story about
our past, they may have been used for hunting or they
were even used during the Wars.