
Thursday, March 14, 2019


This week on Wednesday and Thursday I did cooking. On Wednesday the class made an apple crumble on, Thursday the class made our own toppings on a pizza these were the toppings:

Mozzarella cheese

Cherry tomatoes

Movie Shots/Angles

WALT: I can explain a variety of camera angles used to make a movie.

In class we started movie making the class watched three 1 minute movies to get ideas on how to make a movie, you needed to have movie sound effects.

All the organisation production team, costumes, makeup acting out scripts plans filmers for filming and different camera angles some camera angles were like:

Close up 
This is a close from a ladybug

Related image

Extreme close up
This extreme close up is from a shadow rainbow

Related image

Zoom in
This zoom in is looking at the earth

Image result for zoom in

Zoom out
This landscape was a zoom out picture

Behind shot
This is a lady walking with some shopping bags

Related image

Leg shot
This person is tying their shoe lace

Image result for leg camera shots

Face shot
This face shot looks like the person who have been was

Image result for movie angles

Far away shot
This is the far away view

Image result for far away shot

Looking from the eyes
This eye angle is looking at something

Image result for looking from the eyes

Monday, March 11, 2019

Movie Magic 11/3/2019

Movie Magic 

WALT: I can write a narrative using correct structure

This term the class has been working on movie making. The class watched 3 different 1 minute movies on an idea to make a movie.

We made Little Red Riding Hood with a twist.

These are scenes: 1, 2, 3
These are the main characters:
Me (Chloe) As the mother
Shania As little red riding hood
Mikayla Grandmother
Mika Wicked old lady
Kineka Flimer

Friday, March 8, 2019

Movie Making

In class we started movie making the class watched three 1 minute movies to get ideas on how to make a movie, you needed to have movie sound effects.

All the organisation production team, costumes, makeup acting out scripts plans filmers for filming and different camera angles some camera angles were like:

Close up 
Extreme close up
Zoom in 
Zoom out
Behind shot
Leg shot
Face shot
Far away shot
Back movement
Looking from the eyes

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Global Community Impact Projects

Explain what community you have joined?
I have joined the global community.

Explain why this group is your passion
Because I want to help the animals and research the sustainable change to them.

Explain ONE idea your interested in:
Researching change in animals habits.

How do you think you will achieve this idea?
By researching a lot about animals habits.