
Monday, July 31, 2017

Watch This Space!

Independent Learn Task:
Watch this space!

Make a copy of this document and answer the 10 questions.
All of the answers are in the article that you have read, so make sure that you go all the way through to find the answers.
Please write your answers in full sentences - not just one word. For example question 1 : The name of the highway that is talked about in the article is…
Question 2: In the article is says that one one side you see…. And on the other you see…

  1. What is the name of the highway that is talked about in the article?

State highway 88 in Dunedin.
2. What does the article say you see on each side of the road when you drive into Dunedin?  

On one side of the road there’s a great view of the harbour and on the other side there are houses and bush-covered hills.
3. What did people do first when they wanted to upgrade the roadside?

They wanted to plant some trees and shrubs to make it beautiful and nice.
4. Why couldn’t children paint the concrete wall?

Because it was 50 meters long and 4 meters high and it was very dangerous and there would be lots of traffic going past. Full sentence?
5. What is a professional artist? And who was the professional artist from the article?

The artist was Janet de wagt a professional artist is who would usually do paintings
For the museum.
6. What were the names of the two students that were talked about in the article and what school did they go to?  
Paddy and Declan Smith go to chalmers school.
7. What were the choices the children were given to draw?

Ethier a sene near your house or one near your school.
8. What did the two boys from the article choose to draw?

Paddy draw a train on its tracks he also drawsome fish and rock in the sea Declan chose to draw the rugby clubhouse and fields that are just down the road from his school.
9. What did the professional artist park beside the wall that she was painting?

Janets red Zephyr.
10. Why was it important that the wall was painted?

Because some people wanted to upgrade the roadside.

Teacher Comment:

This was something I did for last week. How good do you think I am?